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Icec baths: seset the body and mind

Start the day energetically, let your body recover after an intense workout or clear your mind with the Iceman tubs from Fonteyn Spa’s. When you suddenly expose your physical body to a much colder temperature, your body experiences a slight shock. Immersing yourself in an ice bath gives your body a small shock, your heart rate and breathing temporarily increases and adrenaline is released. As a result, your body resets itself. Enjoy the relaxation of the whole body and mind.

Benefits of an ice bath

  • Feel great: Step out of your comfort zone with an Iceman Tub from Fonteyn Spas. Experience peace and energy after a session in an ice tub. After such a session, you completely let go of all thoughts as you solely focus on your breathing. Exposure to cold temperatures increases the happiness hormones like endorphins in your body and stimulates adrenaline release in the brain.
  • Improvement of the blood flow: Blood vessels contract when the body comes into contact with coldness. Your blood flow improves as you train the elasticity of your blood vessels. In the short term, the blood brings oxygen, vitamins and minerals quicker to the crucial places in the body, while also eliminating any excretory products. In the longer term, your heart rate decreases, as your heart does not have to exert as much effort. Good circulation is essential for the body's immune system!
  • Reduce pain and swelling: That exact process helps with pain and swelling. The contracting blood vessels inhibit inflammatory processes. An ice bath also reduces the speed of pain signals to the brain. This can reduce the feeling of soreness, for instance after a sports session or with injuries.
  • Withstand the cold with ease: After a while, not only can you cope with the temperature of the ice bath, but you will also notice that the temperature outside has less impact. This is because your body produces more brown fat. Unlike white fat, which makes you gain weight, brown fat is very useful. The body draws energy from brown fat to warm the body. Beat the cold with an Iceman tub!

Helpful tips for an Iceman tub

  • Choose a motivating spot with enough space. Consider a prominent place in your backyard or at the home gym.
  • Start slow and gradually build up the length of the sessions.
  • Always enter an Iceman Tub with a warmed-up body. Just exercise or take a walk beforehand.

Which Iceman Tub is the right fit for you?

The Iceman tubs from Fonteyn Spa's come in different sizes and styles. So there is always a model to match your taste and style. We are happy to help you find the perfect match. Our experts are at your service six days a week. Contact us or stop by our 35,000 m2 showroom!