Swimspas & Current-Lift Tech

Swimspas & Current-Lift Tech

Based on what we’ve been hearing from our European Passion Spas dealers recently, we see our collection of swimspas gaining in popularity this season. We believe one reason for this increase in attention is our innovative Current-Lift feature.

Passion Spas developed Current-Lift Technology and implemented it into all of our Fitness Collection swimspa models, and this feature improves the swimming experience for our customers.

Here’s how it works: With the controls, you can adjust the level of Current-Lift to the intensity of your workout. As you decrease the force of the upper two swim jets, the Current-Lift jets in the bottom of the swimspa automatically increase in intensity, creating more “lift” and providing more buoyancy as your swimming speed decreases.

The faster you swim, the less lift is needed from the Current-Lift jets and you can direct the flow to the upper jets for a stronger current.

This feature is unique to Passion Spas, making it just one example of what makes our products the best in terms of standard features and exceptional value.