Swimming pool vs Swim Spa

Swimming pool vs Swim Spa

Swim spas are becoming an increasingly popular addition to people’s back gardens. A growing group sees this smart bath as a practical alternative to the classic swimming pool. In this article, you can read about the advantages of a swim spa compared to a swimming pool.

Anyone who dreamt of being able to swim laps in their garden used to need a lot of space to realise this dream. With the arrival of the swim spa, that has changed. This compact bath offers all the advantages of a swimming pool but takes up a lot less space.


Even though a swim spa is sometimes only a few metres long, you can swim endlessly in it. This gives you the feeling of swimming in an Olympic competition pool. The trick lies in the powerful jets at the front. These stimulate a strong counter-current like you would find in a river, keeping you in one spot. The intensity of the jets is easy to increase or decrease, so you can swim at any pace you want.



Since a swim spa is a lot smaller than an average swimming pool, you have many benefits. For example, much less water is needed, which makes the swim spa more durable and easier to maintain than a traditional swimming pool. In addition, it is easier to keep the water at the right temperature. You can easily move the swim spa with you if you move to a new home, unlike a swimming pool.

Other conveniences

Many swim spas are a combination of a pool and a whirlpool, which gives you the opportunity to relax after a hard swimming session. The massage jets are the ultimate aftercare for tired muscles. The whirlpool is sometimes a separate part of the swim spa, allowing you to relax in water that is a few degrees warmer than the swimming area.

Finally, in a swim spa, everything is integrated. You no longer need to purchase a heat pump or install a filter as these are standard swim spa technology. This makes the swim spa usable in all seasons.

Swim Spa in Action