Health benefits of wellness

Health benefits of wellness

A spa is the ultimate place to completely unwind. It is not only soothing for your mind but also for your body. A visit to the sauna or steam baths can considerably boost your health. For example, it ensures better blood circulation and enhances the condition of your veins. Relax, unwind and rest. These are three typical reasons to opt for a day of wellness. But why are saunas and steam baths even more beneficial for your health?

Relaxation versus stress reduction

“Busy, busy, busy” is a frequently given answer to the question of how things are going. Busyness is often accompanied by stress—a feeling no one wants to experience. But how can we reduce stress a little whilst continuing with our busy lives? Wellness facilities offer the perfect solution. The heat of saunas, for example, ensures that you can more easily let go of your thoughts and relax. In addition, heat also ensures the production of endorphins, which are the happiness chemicals in the brain. Endorphins make you feel good and you’ll be less sensitive to pain. And it is not only saunas that provide this relaxation from stress; the heat from delightful swim spas has the same effect. Ever been to the spa with friends? It is a wonderful social activity you can do together now and then.

How can a spa improve your immune system?

A study conducted by the University Clinic Charité in Berlin shows that a visit to the sauna improves your immune system and stimulates and stabilises blood circulation. Your body reacts powerfully to the heat of the sauna and then reacts again powerfully to the cold as soon as you get out. This reaction causes the body to produce antibodies. Regularly going to the sauna or hot baths gives you better protection against the common cold. But the symptoms don’t change when you already have a cold, so wouldn’t you rather stay home and seek immediate relaxation? You can turn your garden into a wellness spa in no time. What could be better, for example, than diving into your own bubbling bath after work?

Sweet dreams! Sleep better through wellness

You probably know this feeling: you lie in bed with your skin softly glowing. You’re feeling rosy, with a completely satisfying zen feeling. And with all of your endorphins flowing, you fall into a better and deeper sleep. When you sleep better, you are less likely to get sick. You are also less likely to be stressed when you are well-rested. So, the circle is complete once again!

Looking for inspiration to turn your garden into a private spa or mini-wellness centre? We look forward to welcoming you to our showroom